Can crew socks be worn with sandals?

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Can crew socks be worn with sandals?

The combination of crew socks and sandals is not a common or widely accepted fashion combination. Crew socks usually refer to socks that are up to the calf or slightly above, designed primarily for warmth, comfort, or to meet specific professional dress requirements. Sandals are open design shoes designed to be worn in summer or warm weather to provide coolness and ventilation.
Pairing the two together may appear uncoordinated or not in line with general fashion aesthetics. The length and thickness of crew socks may conflict with the lightweight and open design of sandals, giving a feeling of being top heavy or too heavy. In addition, this combination may not comply with the dress code or etiquette norms for certain occasions.
However, fashion is diverse and personalized, and everyone's aesthetic and matching styles are different. If you like this combination and feel it suits your personal style and occasion needs, then you can definitely give it a try. However, it should be noted that this combination may not be acceptable or appreciated by everyone, so when choosing, one should consider their own preferences and the acceptance of the surrounding environment.

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