They may also help reduce the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when a clot forms in one of your deep leg veins, blocking blood flow to your heart and lungs.
You'll find many of these socks in pharmacies, big box stores and online retailers. The key is to get the right size and fit, says Enad.
The wrong-size sock can cause pain and damage to your skin, muscle or ligament. So, always select the correct size after consulting with your doctor or nurse.
Some types of compression stockings are graduated, which means they exert the greatest pressure at the ankle and decrease up toward the knee. This type is generally recommended for people with peripheral edema or orthostatic hypotension, a condition that causes low blood pressure when standing or sitting.
They can also improve blood flow in the legs and feet during a workout or race, helping you recover faster after exercise.
They can also improve lymph drainage and prevent bacterial infections from spreading in the body. This is especially important for athletes because it's the lymph vessels that carry waste products away from your cells and dump them back into your blood, so it can be excreted in your urine.